First Baptist Church

1647 Lake Harbin Rd, Morrow, GA, 30260

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Welcome to FBC Morrow

First Baptist Church of Morrow is on mission to the community and beyond. God has called us to serve through a variety of ministries both in our local community and around our world. We hope that you will lend your prayerful support to our work, as well as your time and talents. There is a place for everyone to be on mission here! That is why we say that we are "A Church on Mission in a Mission Field."

Along with our work beyond the church walls, we strive to create an atmosphere of warmth and caring for everyone who comes through our doors. Worship is of central importance in our congregation's life, as it provides us the opportunity to be renewed and encouraged in our faith. You will be able to learn more about the important ministries in our church on this web site. Weekly schedules and general information about the church have been provided. Please know that this is just one of many ways to know about our congregation. The best way to learn whether or not this is a community that you call home is by participation. We welcome you.

We look forward to serving with you and hope that you will be in touch should you have any questions that we can be of assistance in answering.

God Bless You,

First Baptist Church of Morrow