Plan A Sunday Visit

It is always a brave act to enter the doors of a church for the first time! 

We want you to know as much as possible about what to expect so that you feel comfortable and most of all welcomed and loved. 

   Many people wonder where to go once they arrive on the church property,  what to wear, and what they will experience once they get here.   

First, most people don’t enter through the front doors of our sanctuary (the large front-facing building with a steeple). 

They enter through the double doors of our Education Building on the left-hand side of our property, where they are greeted by one of our members and invited in for a cup of coffee or snack!

Second, there is no need to dress up. 

Simply come as you are! 

You will see some dressed casually and others in more traditional church attire (on Sundays, especially).

Third, depending on what time you arrive, you may choose to attend one of our Sunday School Bible Study classes or head straight to our worship service in the Sanctuary. 

Signs in the hallway point the way. 

Once in the Sanctuary, a greeter will provide you with an order of worship that will guide our service.

Our worship style is traditional but not stuffy. 

We sing hymns from the hymn book. We have a choir that leads us in music. And sometimes our ministers wear robes and colorful stoles as we follow liturgical seasons like Advent and Lent, Pentecost and Ordinary Time. 

We think you will experience a lot of warmth in our fellowship. Many who visit us have commented that they feel God’s spirit when they are here.  

If you have any questions or want to reach out before coming, please don’t hesitate to call or email our church office!  

Our Identity

These 4 values are central to who we are.





Our Staff